(845) 765-3531

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Pest animals can be an insidious problem for people, as the signs of their presence are relatively small in many cases, and it is easy to dismiss or ignore these as they are often in the areas of a property that are dark and quiet. As an animal control company we have been helping businesses and homeowners in the region for many years, and we can really help you to identify if there is an animal problem, and can then help you to get rid of them. We have a friendly and courteous team available to take your call 24/7, and they can discuss the details of your situation and your concerns, and can offer some advice on what you can do. We usually have animal control experts that can visit your property within 24 hours, and they can then carry out a more detailed inspection to identify conclusively if there is an infestation, and the extent of the situation. They will offer a formal estimate for the work, and will talk through the techniques they will use to remove the animals and why this is the most effective solution available in your situation. We know that keeping you and your family safe is also very important, so all our experts have the right protective equipment, and can also carry out cleaning and sanitization once the animals have been removed.